Hello, and welcome to my new online store. If you visited my previous store at www.cupsandballsmagic.com you’ll now appreciate that this store has a shopping cart. Everything is now automated instead of having to purchase one item at a time via separate paypal links.
There’s something for everyone, from cups and balls to mentalism, from stand up to close up and effects that are designed to fit into a single card slot in your wallet.
Please feel free to browse and see what goodies you find, we’ll be updating regularly as there are a dozen or so new releases scheduled for 2016!
Please also feel free to register to make checkout easier, quicker and seamless. We never share your details with anyone and we won’t spam you. It will also enable you to use vouchers for free postage, special offers etc. when we release them.
Thanks for stopping by and please check back for regular updates!
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